Hatching Skills – Part 4 Brooding Stage

1. Tshem tawm cov nqaij qaib

Thaum cov nqaij qaib tawm ntawm lub plhaub, nco ntsoov tos cov plaubqhuav nyob rau hauv lub incubator ua ntej tshem tawm lub incubator.Yog ambientqhov kub sib txawv yog qhov loj, nws tsis pom zoo kom tshem tawm cov nqaij qaib.Los yog koj tuaj yeem siv lub teeb tungsten filament thiab ib lub thawv los ua kom yooj yimbrooding lub thawv nrog qhov kub ntawm li 30 ° C - 35 ° C (tus broodingkub tuaj yeem hloov kho kom haum raws li qhov xwm txheej ntawmcov nqaij qaib), thiab yuav tsum muaj qhov chaw txaus rau cov me nyuam hauv qab no thiaj lilawv tuaj yeem nrhiav qhov kub thiab txias.

2. Pub nqaij qaib

Tom qab 24 teev ntawm hatching, cov nqaij qaib yog pub nrog dej thiab ces pub nrogdej sov.Tom qab 24 teev, do cov millet soaked thiab siav qe qe raupub thawj pluas noj, thiab tsis tas yuav ntxiv qe qe tom qab.Millet soaked nyob rau hauvdej sov txaus (tsis txhob pub ntau dhau hauv thawj 5 hnub).

3. De-ua kom sov

Txhawm rau kom sov cov nqaij qaib, lub thawv brooding lossis incubator tuaj yeem maj mam txo qisQhov kub ntawm ob hnub ntawm kev yug qaib, poob 0.5 ° C txhua txhuahnub kom txog rau thaum nws ua raws li qhov chaw sab nraud.Piv txwv li, lubqhov kub thiab txias yuav tsum tau qis qis dua hauv lub caij ntuj no.Yuav ua li cas rau masterqhov zoo tshaj plaws brooding kub?Saib xyuas lub xeev ntawm cov menyuam mos, seblawv noj, pw, lossis dai, qhia tias qhov kub thiab txiashaum.

4. Launching of waterfowl (xws li ducks and geese)

Nws raug nquahu tias cov ducklings yuav tsum muab tso rau hauv dej tom qab yam tsawg 15hnub pub mis.and pom zoo tias thawj zaug nkag mus rau hauv dejyuav tsum tsis pub tshaj 20 feeb, thiab maj mam nce lub launchingsij hawm.


Post lub sij hawm: Dec-01-2022